Adverbs of Comment Adverbs of comment state a comment, or opinion about a situation. Adverbs of comment among others are: actually, apparently, certainly, clearly, cleverly, confidentially, definitely, disappointingly, foolishly, fortunately honestly, happily, hopefully, ideally, kindly, luckily, naturally, obviously, possibly, presumably, seriously, simply, surely, surprisingly, thankfully, undoubtedly, unfortunately, wisely, etc. Adverbs of comment are usually placed at the beginning of a sentence and are separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma. Examples: 1. Definitely , I don’t agree with your plan. 2. Obviously , she refused to participate in that program. 3. Clearly , the teacher explained the subject. 4. Cleverly , he fixed my broken tablet. 5. Foolishly , the boy kicked the ball to his own goalpost. Adverbs of comment also can be placed in mid-position, before the main verb but after be. Examples: 1. We certainly enjoyed the concert. 2. He sur...
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